Client Letter | A Unique Economic Situation | April 8, 2020

The current economic climate is unique in its causes, possible duration, and challenges, but it may soon provide investment opportunities...

Market Bottoming Process Continues | Weekly Market Commentary | April 6, 2020

The war against the COVID-19 pandemic continues this week as the number of new cases and deaths continues to grow...

Client Letter | When It Rains Gold, Reach for A Bucket | April 2, 2020

The COVID-19 impact has been devastating, but as the economy positions to recover, it could offer opportunities for longer-term investors...

Road To Recovery Playbook Update | Weekly Market Commentary | March 30, 2020

Stocks soared last week, working off historically oversold levels...

Policy-Driven Rebound |Weekly Market Performance| March 27, 2020

Stocks rebounded sharply this week even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread rapidly in the United States...

Client Letter | A Test of Our Resolve | March 24, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is a test of our resolve, but our optimism for the near-term future remains intact...

Key Week for the Bottoming Process | Weekly Market Commentary | March 23, 2020

We are likely in recession now, though we won’t know that for sure until more timely data is released...

Historic Volatility |Weekly Market Performance| March 20, 2020

Extreme volatility continued as the war against the coronavirus continues...

Client Letter | A Clear Vision of Financial Goals | March 18, 2020

Maintaining a clear vision of long-term financial goals is a key to making it through market and global uncertainty...

Road TO Recovery Playbook | Weekly Market Commentary | March 16, 2020

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has sent world equity markets into bear market territory...