“Long the Short End of the Curve” | Bond Market Perspectives | March 20, 2018

“Short-term high-quality bond yields have continued to increase since the lows seen in July 2016, and have moved sharply higher…..

“Fed Preview” | Weekly Economic Commentary | March 19, 2018

"The Fed’s overall assessment of the economy is expected to improve."..

“Will This Sixteen Be Sweet?” | Weekly Market Commentary | March 19, 2018

“In the spirit of March Madness, we have compiled our “Sweet 16” for the markets.”..

Portfolio Compass | March 14, 2018

"Updates on LPL Research's views on equity, equity sectors, fixed income, and alternative asset classes."..

“High Yield Hesitation” | Bond Market Perspectives | March 13, 2018

"High yield has faced some headwinds thus far in 2018, but fundamentals remain solid."..

“February Employment Report” | Weekly Economic Commentary | March 12, 2018

"The February employment report crushed expectations for the number of jobs created (313,000 versus the consensus expectation of 205,000), but…..

“Five Forecasters: Few Warning Signs” | Weekly Market Commentary | March 12, 2018

“Our Five Forecasters are collectively indicating that further economic growth and stock market gains appear likely.”..

Market Insight Monthly | February 2018

"Economic reports released in February 2018, largely reflecting economic activity in January, signaled continued steady growth though mixed with rising…..

“Rates’ New Range” | Bond Market Perspectives | March 6, 2018

"We believe the rise in rates over the last six months has the potential to stick."..

“Tariff Turbulence” | Weekly Economic Commentary | March 5, 2018

"We believe any potential negative impact caused by the proposed tariffs in isolation will be small."..